Bring Your Sales Experience to Life
Ensight™ Presentations empowers wholesalers and financial professionals with a new way to market, educate, and drive case discussions.

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Core features & Benefits

Modernize Sales
Presentations for
Life, LTC & Annuities
Ensight is the leading Life, LTC, and Annuity wholesaler sales enablement platform for insurance carriers and distributors. Empower wholesalers with a modern, interactive sales presentation experience that can be customized on the fly.
Shift to the new hybrid wholesaling model – digitally enabling wholesalers for virtual discussions, interactive training, and intuitive “4K” presentations in the client office.
Create & Share Interactive
Sales Presentations
Enhance client discussions and train financial professionals in a modern and engaging manner with interactive visuals and custom sales presentations.
Easily share interactive sales presentations with a dedicated client microsite, providing financial professionals with instant and seamless access.

Compare Multiple
Products & Policy Designs
Easily compare multiple Life, LTC, and Annuity products and policy designs. Visually showcase policy performance and all illustration ledger data in no time.
Meet fiduciary and Best Interest (BI) obligations by benchmarking multiple carriers. Ensight Presentations simplifies the decision-making process and eliminates non-compliant, manual presentations.
Showcase Different
Sales Concepts
Ensight’s modern sales presentation experience helps you more effectively showcase different sales concepts such as IUL stress testing, “3 Ways To Fund” (multiple funding levels), rider options, and more.
Present multiple policy options to your clients for more informed decisions and more successful sales.

Enhance Sales Data Insight,
Compliance, and Auditability
Utilizing Ensight’s sales analytics for insights into advisor and client activities, you can track and understand point-of-sale engagement, effectively follow-up on prospecting opportunities, and close more sales.
Collect additional point of sale data for Books & Records and other compliance audit requirements.

Schedule a Demo
Discover how Ensight can transform your Life, Annuities and LTC sales potential with a personalized demo.