The market-leading illustration platform
Ensight™ Intelligent Quote is transforming Life & LTC insurance case design operations for over 600 leading distributors. With a modern ‘single-entry’ illustration experience and product benchmarking on one platform, Ensight can power your sales operation to new levels.

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Core features & Benefits

Life & LTC,
On One Platform
One location for your Life and LTC illustration work, including over 400 products across all the market-leading carriers.
Intelligent Quote is the only client-centric, single-entry quoting platform that provides fully compliant, carrier-generated illustrations for all life insurance product classes (Term, GUL, Whole Life, IUL, VUL) and Long-Term Care (Hybrid & Traditional LTC).
Build a More
Efficient Sales Desk
Ensight transforms the case design process by putting the client’s needs and policy design first.
Define your case design parameters once and run multiple carrier illustrations simultaneously with a single click. No more quoting on a product-by-product basis.
All cases are saved in the platform, so case revisions can be run in seconds and the client illustration history is fully auditable.

Meet Emerging
Best Interest Requirements
Ensight is the first and only multi-carrier illustration platform to deliver a fully auditable Best Interest-centric illustration process, which ensures Life & LTC products are compared on a “like-for-like basis” specific to the actual client case.
All case revisions are saved for future Books and Records.
Offer Simplified Illustration Experiences to Advisors
Support self-service oriented advisors and new generations of agents with intuitive, simple illustration experiences for any Life and LTC product class, including IUL, VUL, and Hybrid LTC.
Ensight’s advisor illustration experiences can be configured for the unique needs and business model requirements of any distributor or insurance carrier.

Schedule a Demo
Discover how Ensight can transform your Life, Annuities and LTC sales potential with a personalized demo.